Monday, January 15, 2007


Mahalo Peoples. Hollah at your boy in the '07. I just wanted to give you all a quick shout-out and let you know about some of the shizer happening for his year. There are alot of changes and new practices on the horizon.

Besides searching for the perfect cup of tea, I've relaunched my defunct creative aspirations. A brother's getting busy with a capital "B" so be on the look-out for occasional announcements.

The first being that I'll be at the New York Comic Con pedalling my wares, namely the Mighty-Mighty Adventures of Earlwayne and ChuckChuk as well as shopping around some other projects. I have alot of shizzle in speculative developmentright now, all mainly speculative narrative. Some violent, others not so violent. [Yes, there are a few love stories, a la Keith, coming down the pike. Fathers... hide your daughters. Muhahahaah!]

I'm beating the keys in a desperate attempt to join the reviled yet accepted nom de guerre of those selective group of writers, "shcmucks with underwoods!" Keep posted faithful fans, same bat time-same bat-channel.


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